Mushroom coffee is lauded as a healthier alternative to regular coffee, boasting medicinal mushroom extracts and added health advantages.
Although it’s currently a trending coffee blend, this idea is far from new.
According to online sources, mushrooms were used as a coffee substitute in Finland during World War II, when coffees weren’t available.
This article looks at the evidence on mushroom coffee and an expert assessment of its alleged health benefits.
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To make mushroom coffee, the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms are extracted and converted to an organic and natural powder that’s totally free of fillers, carriers, and other additives.
Through a dual extraction process, the mushrooms are then dehydrated, ground into a fine powder, and mixed into ground coffee beans. This is usually done in a 1-to-1 ratio.
You can purchase mushroom coffee as:
instant coffee packets
ground coffee blends
coffee pods
Mushroom coffee can be prepared using the same methods as regular coffee to make scrumptious mochas, lattes, or black coffee drinks.
Delicious and nutritious fungi have been found in food, beverages, and medicine since practically the dawn of humanity. And their inclusion in the realm of hot morning drinks isn’t new, either. Many countries have a rich tradition of mushroom tea including Korea, Finland, China, and India.
So, it’s no wonder that mushrooms have managed to get into another of the world’s favorite drinks. Let’s be clear, mushroom coffee does already have coffee in it – no tricksy chicory “coffee” situation here.
The pairing of radical health advantages from mushrooms and the focus and warmth of coffee is a potent one. And even though the taste is rather different, many coffee drinkers appreciate the mushroom’s earthy compliment to the dark bitterness of a common beans.divider 5
Top Mushroom Coffee Benefits:
1.Mushrooms are Good for Your Digestion
Mushrooms contain bacteria that will help your digestion run smoother, and perhaps reduce several of the strain to your tummy from coffee.
Prebiotics and polysaccharides in mushrooms have been found to contribute to the production of healthy gut flora and bacteria.
2.Mushrooms May Help You Manage Stress
Many mushrooms are also adaptogenic and used for physical and mental health purposes. Adaptogens support your adrenal glands and can reduce stress. Some report these stress-reducing properties can also mitigate the coffee jitters.
3.Mushroom Coffee Contains Less Caffeine
Mushroom coffee can help you love the mental kickstart without disturbing your sleep patterns. One cup of mushroom coffee generally has less than half the caffeine of black coffee.
The most popular mushrooms found in coffee blends typically include:
Lions mane.
Thankfully, you can’t just toss some mushrooms into your coffee and call it a day (because that might be, well, gross). The mushrooms used in mushroom coffee go through a drying and extraction process as a way to pull the beneficial compounds out, which in turn get blended into regular coffee.
Most mushroom coffees are in fact blends of mushroom extract and instant coffee. That’s why it tastes like coffee – because it is!
There are a lot of claims surrounding the advantages of mushroom coffee. Some of the most popular include:
Better sleep.
Reduced stress.
Boosts your immune system.
Supports your memory.
Higher energy levels.
Relaxes sore muscles.
Reduced inflammation.
But is there any truth to these statements?
“Mushrooms on the whole have some really great benefits,” explains Lachman. “A big one is commonly with reducing inflammation. Mushrooms also contain antioxidants, which can help support the disease fighting capability.”
Mushroom coffee also offers less caffeine, which (depending on who you ask) usually helps people feel less anxious and sleep better.
But take the long lists of touted benefits specific to mushroom coffee as a grain of salt. There isn’t a huge amount of research out there suggesting that all of the claims actually hold true.
Lachman suggests that you may be better off incorporating mushrooms into your daily diet through normal foods rather than sipping special (and pricy) coffee.
Mushrooms: A dose of wellness on their own
The good news is that mushrooms by themselves are packed with fiber, minerals and vitamins.
Try mixing in whole mushrooms to your regular recipes. Toss them in salads, utilize them in pasta dishes or grill them up throughout a barbeque. You’ll still experience the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits this way, but without sacrificing your typical cup of Joe or spending money for a bougie coffee blend.
If you’re still convinced you want to include powered mushrooms into your diet, try one type of mushroom powder at a time and track any symptoms you may experience.
It’s important to note that mushrooms will often cause digestive issues, especially for individuals who have kidney problems or trouble with grains. Actually, chaga mushrooms are high in oxalates and are known to affect and increase kidney stones. If you have digestive problems, it’s better to speak with your physician or discuss with a dietitian before heading down the fungi path.